Flatulence is a fact of life. The average person farts 15 – 20 times a day, yet in spite of that, farting in polite company is typically considered taboo and is frowned upon. However, farting is a natural part of digestion and has many amazing health benefits.
1. Feels Good
This goes without saying but one of the great joys in life is ripping a good fart. It instantly relieves built up pressure from gas buildup which helps prevent stomach pain.
2. Smell is Actually Good for You
It may sound crazy but a 2014 study suggests that smelling the hydrogen sulfide in farts may be good for you. As it turns out the mitochondria in your cells which produce energy may benefit from the gas. Some of the benefits may include: lower blood pressure, improved kidney health, protecting the brain, and helping reduce the risk of stroke. Amazing right?
3. Reduces Bloating
Being bloated sucks. It feels uncomfortable and can lead to stomach aches and pain. Cutting a fart helps relieve these symptoms.
4. Helps Colon Health
Farting is good for your digestive system. Holding in your gas for long periods of time isn’t good for you and feels horrible.
5. It’s a Sign of How Healthy You Are
If your farting habits change it could be an early warning sign that something is wrong and that you need to go to the doctor. Really bad smelling fart or a significant increase in how much you are farting could be a signal that something is going on in your body that you need to get evaluated by a doctor.
So go ahead and embrace your gas! It’s feels good and is good for you. Now that’s what you can call a win-win!