According to a recent survey by Healthista, one in five women has refused to have sex with their partner because they are worried that they might fart. This is usually due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The survey polled 1600 women in the UK aged 25-65.
35% of the women surveyed said flatulence was the most embarrassing symptom of their IBS. Dr Simon Sale,consultant gastroenterologist and trustee of the IBS Network, said many women are extremely concerned about their gut symptoms even through for most of their partners it is not a big deal. Most of the time the men they are in a relationship say “Well, everybody farts. I fart, it’s certainly not a deal-breaker for me.”
Speaking from my own experience I had an incredibly sexy girlfriend back in the day that would often fart loudly when we were getting intimate and her butt was in the air and it was amazing! The first time it happened she was super embarrassed but I told her not to worry about it and that I thought it was awesome that she was comfortable enough to fart around me. Let’s just say after that unexpected response the “floodgates opened up” Ha!
Embarrassment prevents these women from getting intimate because they are afraid they will fart at the wrong time. This fear also lead to 30 percent of these women holding farts in for so long that it causes them considerable pain.
We say these women should just relax, be themselves and to embrace their gassiness. If they fart during sex who cares. And if their partner doesn’t like it they should find someone who does! We say the louder the better!

First it was the lame excuse of a headache, now it’s “Sorry honey not tonight I have the farts!” ha ha!