Admit it you love video games! Well this is a list of some of the best butts in video games. These pixel and polygon based female booties are the best of the best!
Cammy – Street Fighter
Cammy has been showing off her booty since Super Street Fighter II from 1993. She’s evolved over the years but she’s manages to stay in “fighting shape”!
R.Mika – Street Fighter V
Rainbow Mika from Street Fighter 5 is a wrestler with buns of steel. Her infamous “butt slap” was censored by the publisher prior to being released. Check it out below.
Bayonetta – Bayonetta 2
Bayonetta is a gun-toting witch that sizzles on the screen showcasing her leather clad butt. She shows off her best “assets” as she takes out her enemies in a blaze of glory.
Ivy – Soul Caliber
Ivy is one of the most iconic and recognizable characters in Soul Caliber and for good reason. She likes to show off her ass while kicking ass!
Here is a clip of her in action.
Ivy in action!
Lara Croft – Tomb Raider
Lara Croft has been heating the video game scene since 1996. She has gone through many changes over the years but she is still pleasant on the eyes.
Harley Quinn – Arkham City and Arkham Knight
Harley Quinn the female sidekick to the Joker and constant thorn in Batman’s side has quite the round butt. Evidenced below.
Here is a clip of Harley Quinn ripping a fart in the Batmobile. Proving once and for all that her luscious butt isn’t just for decoration!
Miranda Lawson – Mass Effect
Miranda Lawson from Mass Effect has such a nice behind that the game should be named……nah that bad pun is just too easy!
And another angle.
Nina Williams – Tekken
Nina Williams has always been one of my favorite fighters from the long running Tekken series. Any wonder as to why?
Samus Aran – Metroid
Samus from Metroid fame in the Zero suit is a true sight to behold! One of the rare Nintendo babes with a body!
Chun Li – Street Fighter
Chun Li is one of the most iconic female video game characters of all time. She first made an appearance in Street Fighter II: The World Warriors back in 1991. Her booty has always been second to none along with her massive thighs!

Cortana – Halo
Cortnan is an AI hologram from Halo that is curvy in all the right places!
Widowmaker – Overwatch
Femme Fatale Widowmaker has one nice butt!
Tyris Flare
I had a huge crush on Tyris Flare from Golden Axe on the Sega Genesis back in the day. She was my favorite character for good reason. You get to kill enemies while watching her walk around in a thong in all her pixilated glory! Ha ha!
You could also catch a glimpse of her butt crack. How did this get past the Sega censors?
Twintelle from the Switch game Arms has quite the nice rear end!

How did I end up here?