Dried Apricots Will Make You Fart More Than You Can Imagine

Dried Apricots Make You Fart

Eat one dried apricot and you will most likely be OK.  Eat more than a handful and get ready for the fireworks because trust me you’ll be farting like crazy!  Based on my own personal experience these are some of the most gas inducing foods on the planet.

I’ll never forget the day I was introduced to these delicious dried fruit little trouble makers.  My coworker who sat in the cubicle behind me offered me a bag one afternoon at work.  She said she didn’t like them and that I could have them.  I didn’t think much about this seemingly innocent offer and took them without hesitation.

After going to the gym after work I was starving, then I remembered I had the apricots so I ate a couple while driving home.  I thought to myself these are delicious so I decided to have a few more.  Before I knew it I had finished off the bag.  Little did I know at the time that I had made a terrible mistake!

It was a Friday night so I was watching a movie at home when all of a sudden I felt some major rumbling and churning in my stomach and the cramps were out of this world.

[boombox_gif_video mp4=”https://www.farthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/5f892178e45c7_homer-stomach.mp4″ gif=”https://www.farthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/homer-stomach.gif” jpg=”https://www.farthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/5f892178e45c7_homer-stomach.jpg”]

I didn’t think too much of it and kept watching the movie.  Then it rumbled again even more violently and then I let out one of the loudest and stinkiest farts of my life!  It was unreal.  My wife heard it downstairs and asked me what the hell was going on.  I then proceeded to rip the loudest rancid farts ever for the next several hours. Some of these were 5-10 seconds long.  These were deep loud rumbling farts from the depths of hell.  At one point I thought the gas would never stop.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind ripping the occasional large fart since it feels good to relieve the pressure but the gas created by dried apricots is absolutely ridiculous.  Let me be clear. These were not normal farts.  These were super loud and felt like they would tear my anus a new hole if you know what I mean.  Also they stank bad…..I mean really, really bad!

WARNING: Listen to this MASSIVE dried apricot FART if you dare!

Dried Apricot Fart
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Some of them were so bad I surprised and disgusted myself.  One in particular seemed like it was over 10 seconds long. I even woke myself up a few times at night with the  loud decibels caused by my own farts!

Thanks  to the high fiber ratio, dried apricots can also have quite the laxative effect. So watch out for diarrhea and make sure you are close to a bathroom!

Sometimes I wonder if my coworker knew this would happen when she offered me these delicious little devils?  I don’t think she had a reason to sabotage my digestive system, but who knows! Maybe she was mad at me for something and this was her way of taking out her revenge. Oh well, guess I will never know.

Consider this a public service announcement and consider yourself warned. Seriously these will make you fart like there’s no tomorrow!

If you are in the mood to  fart alot eat a bag of dried apricots, cancel all your appointments and make sure you crack a window.  Otherwise, try not to eat more than a couple at a time.  You can thank me later!


What Food Makes You Fart the Most?

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Why Do Dried Apricots  Make You Gassy?

Dried apricots contain a sugar alcohol called sorbitol that is hard to digest and can make you incredibly gassy.  Sorbitol is sometimes given to patients in the hospital as a laxative to constipated patients so that should tell you how powerful it is!

Most dried apricots also contain sulfur dioxide which give them their bright orange color but can also wreak havoc on your digestive system and create massive amounts of gas.

Dried fruit is also dense in fiber which really gets things moving.

This trifecta of sorbital, sulfur dioxide, and high fiber content will turn you into a non-stop farting machine if you are not careful and eat more than a few!

This food will make you fart even more than dried apricots!

Listen to this hilarious podcast episode from Jacked on the Beanstalk by vegan fitness guru Samantha Shorkey.  She talks about her experience after eating a fart inducing bag of dried apricots!  Let’s just say her “explosive” experience was similar to mine.

Remember dried apricots don’t discriminate.  Male or female, young or old, eat too many and they will wreak havoc on your digestive system.  Massive dried apricot induced fart (Loudest Fart Ever)!

Looking for more foods that will make you fart uncontrollably? Want to avoid foods that will give you flatulence? Here is a list of the gassiest foods.


dried apricots farting


If on the other hand you want to fart more than you thought was humanly possible go ahead and buy a bag!  Check latest price of dried apricots on Amazon

Have dried apricots made you fart?  Share your story below in the comments!

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i didn’t get fart..


How many do you need to eat to fart a whole bunch?


I ate around that many on two separate occasions, and I didn’t really get anything crazy :/. Wonder if I have the wrong kind of dried apricots (highly doubt it), or if I’m missing something.


I was farting during my whole 3 hr final exam. Terrible experience. Never again!


LMFAO for real dude


I ate some once and there was so much gas I literally was falling out of me I couldn’t contain it. The smell was putrid but I had friends over and just kept letting rip. One friend actually became very angry due to the hell smell. But I found it hilarious. It really did smell awful though. All in all was a good night with lots of laughs. Give it a whirl!!!


2 days ago me and my wife went to Costco and I willingly thought id try them but had no clue of this. I bought a 3lb bag, tried them and between then and now I ate 2 lbs of those amazingly delicious damn fruit from hell. Ive been farting like crazy for 2 days wondering whats causing it. My wife has heard me through walls they’re so loud, even when she was out of our apartment and down the hall. I was curious so I thought id look up how healthy they were and happened to come across this article…. Yeah ive never farted this much, this loud, and this stinky in the whole 33 years of my life. I let my 17 month old eat about 6 of them yesterday and ive never seen a bigger explosion in a kids diaper than hers today…. But hey my wife is lactose intolerant and she gets some nasty farts eating dairy quite often so if she wants a battle I’ll give her a war…. I still have a pound of them damn things and had no choice to put them away…. Well until I need to fight her back lol

Last edited 3 years ago by string_jockey

Currently ate few of these earlier but forgot i ate something spicy too,so it’s definitely not going too well. Currently farting and having bad stomach cramps from these things. Lol


So update on these,i ended up eating the entire bag,like the next morning i ate more and finished off the bag. I’ve never had violent smelling gas and never pooped so much in my entire life.


That explained what happened to me and my girlfriend a few months ago!!! She brought a bag of dried apricots and i ate most of them, like 20 or something like that and she just a few. All went good until we went to bed, my stomach started to rumble and i farted very loudly. I wanted to die of embarrassment, but fortunately a few minutes later she also suferred from the terrible gas. I couldnt sleep aything that night because each time i was fallen asleep i farted. The worst part was that when we woke up next morning, the room smelt very bad and i realized that some farts came out with surprise…

Bill Gades

Apricots are dangerous. Onions seem to be underrated. And they are also safe. Both raw and caramelized.


Oh, god…. Probably THAT’s why it happened to me and my roommate last weekend.
That evening, we were watching a movie in the dorm room. Before it started, she took a bunch of dried apricots and we ate it during the movie. Finally the bag was whole empty, and after that, suddenly my stomach rumbled super loudly and ​couldn’t stop farting! The smell was so stinky that I’ve never smelt before.
I was so embarrassed but what a relief, my roomie also started farting so violently and blushed her face. Until the end of the movie, and even until we fell asleep we cut the cheese nonstop. Next morning, we couldn’t help but ventilate the room because it smelled so bad!! XD


Oh my, it’s just literally my story! When I went on a trip with my bf year before last, I demolished the entire bag of dried apricots before getting on a plane. Yes, just me ALONE!! After the plane departed, I FARTED all the time of the flight! My tummy was gurgling and rumbling so loud, and my worst stinky gas came from my butt massively again and again! I tried to hold back it, but the louder sound came out. Soon after, I finally gave up holding back the fart, and let them out constantly… I started ripping out stinky little demons running in my stomach, and each explosion, my bf giggled SO MUCH!! It’s my WORST farting experience ever in my life!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Emily


Bernie Appugliese

Okay – now I know what’s going on! Thank you for sharing this information. I bought some organic dried apricots to snack on as I’m trying to eat better and lose some weight. And I have never experienced gas like this – not even after a Taco Bell binge. (See why I’m trying to eat better and lose weight?)

Jessica Gilliam

Omg!! Ive never laughed so hard 😂 I had a similar experience. A coworker of mine had left a bag of dried apricots and I took it upon myself to eat the whole bag!! Worst mistake ever!! Ive never farted so much in my life, it was unreal how my stomach was tore up! Moral of the story leave coworkers food alone!!


Oh man…. I added some dried apricots to my oatmeal this morning and 5 hours later I am still farting!!!! I could not figure out why so decided to do the search and lo and behold…. I found this site.
Yes, beware of stomach rumblings , stinky farts that seem to last forever! We are going over to friends house for dinner tonite and I’m worried they won’t be gone. Who knew!


Today i got hungry at work and noticed i had a bag of apricots in my drawer. I must have eaten 10 or 15. And you are dead right, not long after my stomach rumbled and the farts started. 7 hours later I’m STILL emitting gas and i can only imagine what tomorrow brings


Hahaha hilarious – I ate a bag earlier on and you are bang on with the description / warning. Phfoooweeee.


Like others, I’m pleased to have found this hilarious article. I’ve been farting mercilessly since enjoying half a bag of dried apricots. I felt embarrassed and didn’t want my children to hear my agonizing question. So, I whispered in my wife’s ear, Do apricots cause farting? And she said, “Oh yes. They do so because of sulfur. And, in fact, all dried fruits do.”


I love this and had 15 bag a month ago and I’m still farting up them bad ones I don’t know why but I keep eating them


I just ate a whole bag from Sprouts and was sitting here wondering why the heck I’m farting like I ate an entire plate of baked ziti. I did not. I had a few too many dried apricots. Now I know. Fool me once, shame on me.


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