Farting Female Celebs

Megan Fox

megan fox farting

The sultry Megan Fox can fart with the best of ’em.  Wow Megan…we had no idea!

“If you eat Chinese food, your farts come out like Chinese food. If you eat Mexican food, your farts come out like Mexican food. And milk, it’s like — you can smell the warmth in the fart. My wardrobe on ‘Transformers’ always smells like farts, and I have no idea why.”

 Apparently she also forgets to flush
“I’m horrible to live with. I don’t clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends will tell me, “Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn’t flush.”
Wow she is unbelievably candid during interviews and has no qualms with sharing these TMI details.

She has farted an estimated 198,442 times in her life!

Demi Lovato


A nervous fan farted on Demi Lovato.

But she was really cool about it!

And here is a video clip of Demi admitting to farting in public.

She has farted an estimated 166,427 times in her life!

Here is a fake clip of Demi farting loudly that has been making the rounds recently.

Natalie Portman


Actress Natalie Portman is one of the most beautiful women on the planet.  She also has a great sense of humor and can be pretty candid at times.  Here she is in an interview with Jimmy Fallon talking about farting!

She has farted an estimated 223,668 times in her life!

Rita Ora

rita ora fart

This tweet from a few years ago says it all!

She has farted an estimated 175,277 times in her life!

Evangeline Lilly

Evangeline Lilly fart

Evangeline Lilly actress from Lost and Ant Man and the Wasp admitted that when she was a flight attendant before she was famous she farted in a passengers face according to the Huffington Post.

“One time there was this guy who was really awful to me, and I was really struggling that day, because I had really bad gas. And as a flight attendant, you don’t let that go when you’re on a plane,” she said. “So this guy got under my skin to the point that finally I decided to save it all up, and when I was walking past him and when I got to row 48… I let it rip, right in his face.”

She has farted an estimated 233,133 times in her life!

Jennifer Aniston

jennifer aniston fart
Look at that fart face!

Jennifer Aniston loves fart jokes.  Who would have guessed?

“I’m always trying to find the great small roles, the stronger more slice of life more complex and I’ve been doing fart jokes for a long time, which I love immensely. So I think it does allow you to sort of take care of business and then you can spend the time with these little labors of love, which I’ve learned sometimes you have to create for yourself.”

She has farted an estimated 286,678 times in her life!

Taylor Swift

taylor swift fart

During the 2015 VMA’s it sure sounds like Taylor Swift farted.  You be the judge!


Did Taylor Swift fart?

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She has farted an estimated 180,161 times in her life!

Jenny McCarthy

jenny mccarthy fart

There is no shame in Jenny McCarthy’s game.  She proudly tweets about her gassiness!


She also said “My philosophy on dating is to just fart right away.”

She has farted an estimated 267,677 times in her life!

Kim Kardashian

kim kardashian fart

Kim Kardashian is known for her large ‘ahem’ butt.  Big butt has to equal large and loud farts right?  Apparently she farts so much sometimes that Kanye sleeps in a different room!


Apparently Kim’s fart really stink.  On an old episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians when she was complaining about the dog farting, Bruce Jenner now known as Caitlyn Jenner said “I’ve smelled yours – they’re pretty bad,”

And here is a clip of Kim of admitting to clogging a toilet!  Ha ha!

She has farted an estimated 226,923 times in her life!

Charlize Theron

charlize theron fart

Charlize Theron brags “I can fart as loud as the next guy and have a filthy mouth!”

She has farted an estimated 253,538 times in her life!

Jessica Biel

jessica biel farting

Jessica Biel has no shame in her game and readily admits to farting.

“I do like potato chips, French fries and Barney’s burgers in L.A. with seasoned curly fries,” she tells the mag. “Turkey chili is good, but it will give you terrible farts!”

She has farted an estimated 219,923 times in her life!


Which female celebrity farts the most?

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Actress Missy Peregrym admitted to farting in her fellow actors faces on the Stick It set https://web.archive.org/web/20180121175743/http://www.mtv.com/shared/movies/features/s/stick_it_set_visit_011205/


Anna Hathaway farted in the movie Interstellar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0hCdon57L8


Kaya Scodelario gets called out for farting all the time on set by her fellow Skins cast member. Also admits she overshares about her farts https://web.archive.org/web/20131008110759/http://kayascodelario.net/2836/skins-7-in-company-magazine/


Another one for Katy Perry, interviewer saying she let out the biggest fart after the cameras were off https://www.miamiherald.com/entertainment/celebrities/article18210644.html

Last edited 6 months ago by Rosebutt

Hate to
Burst the Bubble but that wasn’t a fart. It was a sound equipment bump sound. Happens a lot on set. That was her joking.


https://youtu.be/fkULNoAi1DM?si=1YuMA_uc-y6WhYZB Another one for Haley Lu Richardson, at 4:45, talking about sweet potato fries making her gassy. Hailee Steinfeld agrees, and says they get her gassy from “both ends”


Definitely! Hailee’s always been one of the main celebs I’ve wanted for this


Samantha Morton:


Morton had left the building hurriedly. ‘I’ve got to fart,’ she’d announced. ‘It’s been bottled up inside since the beginning.’


Carmen Electra’s audible fart. @15:05



Meg Donnelly isn’t shy about farts. She proudly admits to farting on set of her show here at around 37:00



Thanks. For some reason this one has got me really worked up.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles

My worst nightmare coming true to hear beautiful women like them farting. SMH


GLORILLA the rapper farted on Instagram live. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Caynx8Jf-44


Jodie Comer in this interview at 13:30



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