The other night I was watching a rerun of 2 Broke Girls When I heard
Max: “You farted twice”.
Caroline: “How did I not wake up?”
Max: “I know. It was pretty bad. After that last one, I thought we were going through Egg Town”
These two attractive women talking openly about farting on a prime time network show got me to thinking.ย Is farting getting less taboo over time?ย With everyone opening up their lives to strangers on social media is the historically frowned upon act of letting loose and cutting the cheese starting to become more mainstream?
I recently went to the movies and every trailer that was played included at least one fart joke.
Do a search for “fart” on Facebook or Twitter and you will see tons of posts from men and women posting about how they just farted.ย What’s most surprising to me is how many female celebrities tweet about farting with no shame.
Go to Youtube and you will find countless videos of people farting.
There are well over a million searches per month in google for the word “fart”.

Heck, there is even a story on Business Insider about a woman pretending to fart to deflect unwanted attention she was getting from guys while working out at the gym. This is based on a tweet posted by @RantingOwl
GUYS. Just now. In gym.
*guy approaches two women working out, with flirtatious eyebrows at the ready*
Girl 1: UH you might not want to come over here, dude. I just farted. Itโs bad.
Guy: *looks horrified. leaves.*
Girl 2: omg did you really?
Girl 1: psh no.
โ Olivia A. Cole (@RantingOwl) January 10, 2018
A story of a woman farting in yoga went viral and was even posted on the Huffington Post.ย In the post from Mum on the Run she says
And somewhere between the dolphin position and the three legged dog two of those burning garbage eggs slip out and I fart.
I farted. I farted at yoga. I’m a walking cliche. My pelvic floor has failed me.They’re quiet, so I’m thinking holy @#$%#, thank god for that. But then we move to some position where my heads between my legs, and the smell hits me like a punch to the nose. I died inside and now I officially smell like something has also died inside.
I’m thinking, do I leave? Do I leave the country? Is this happening?? IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? Not only do I look like a slob but now I stink too.
Okay. I gather my resolve and say you know what? Whatever. Everyone farts and I can’t help it. I continue attempting the ridiculous positions and suck in my core. Fitness here we come.
We then go down on this position where we stretch right out but our legs are like a frog on the floor. The teacher then came around and pushed everyone down lower… I thought oh good, gonna get a nice crack in my back again. I hold in my butthole nice and tight to make sure no farts escape again.
She comes over… pushes my back down…
And buuuuuuuuuurrppppfffffff
The loudest trumpet comes out of my ass.
I froze and thought oh my god. Oh my god.
So while in “polite company” the act of farting may be something everyone ignores or pretends doesn’t happen, could it be that it is becoming less taboo and even mainstream?
In Public
The other day I was at the store and I heard these women talking about farting.ย I thought this was pretty interesting since you usually don’t hear women talking about farting openly in public.ย They were all wearing facemasks so perhaps they felt less embarrassed talking about this in public.ย These are definitely interesting times.
Also women are posting clips of themselves farting all the time on TikTok.ย Just check out this compilation!
Listen to this podcast episode of Shmanners where the hosts Travis and Teresa McElroy discuss fart etiquette.
O.m.g Hahahaha! Lol In no way Farting should be a Taboo! I mean it’s absolute human and natural! Also I don’t care about farting, cause in my opinion Farts are funny!