Guy Gives Girlfriend Cake For Finally Farting in Front of Him

girlfriend gets cake for farting

Now this is a great relationship!  This couple celebrated the special occasion of their first fart.  After dating for over 3 years Ryan McErlean’s girlfriend, Kaylie Warren, 21 finally ripped a fart in front of him.  Ryan was so excited by her outgassing that he got her a cake with a special message on it.

cake for farting

The cake read “Took you three years, congratulations for finally farting.” Kaylie finally let out the toot in question when they were sleeping and apparently it was so loud that it woke her up.

She tried to blame the dog!  She said “When I saw the cake, it was the funniest thing ever. At first I didn’t want him to post it on Facebook because I thought it was embarrassing, but a lot of couples can relate to it. A lot of girls have been tagging their boyfriends, asking whether they can have a cake too.”

Congrats Kaylie!

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