How to Fart Louder, Longer and Stinkier…Because Why Not?


If you want to rip some of the loudest, longest, and smelliest farts ever then you’ve come to the right place.ย  The average person farts up to 20 times per day which is about about 1.5 liters of gas.

That’s nothing to “sniff at” butย  if you want to fart way more than “average” then read on!ย  With these surprising tips you can blow these stats out of the water.

Eat some dried apricots

dried apricots gassy food

Eat a few handfuls of dried apricots and you will be farting up a storm. And trust us, these will be some of the longest and deepest farts you have ever ripped. ย  They will also smell worse than hot garbage.ย  Need proof? Take a listen to this 7 second dried apricot fueled fart.

Dried Apricot Fart
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Add Nopalina to a glass of water


Mix 2 tablespoons of Nopalia in some water and wait for the fireworks to start.ย  But be warned, if this is your first time trying Nopalina make sure you are close to the toilet just in case your fart turns out to be more than just a fart!ย  This fiber supplement is great if you are constipated but will have you farting in no time!

If you are lacking fiber in your diet Nopalina is something you should try because it will really get things moving.ย  But trust us, if it feels like a fart don’t force it or you will be in for a big surprise.

Drink a protein shake

protein shake fart

Protein shakes are notorious for creating some of the most noxious gas known to man!ย  Sometimes when I’m at the gym andย  see a fit hottie downing a protein shake I can’t help but imagine the havoc it is wrecking on her digestive system! Put 2 scoops in milk and wait for the fun to start!

Protein shakes can make you fart so much due to the sugar alcohols, lactose ( if you mix it in milk), and the protein itself which can cause rotten egg smelling farts.

Eat broccoli


There is just something about broccoli that make me fart more than I thought was humanly possible.ย  So if you want to fart alot give broccoli a try.ย  Of course your mileage may vary, but for me if I make a quick stir fry with broccoli or add 5 or 6 crowns to my salad I can clear out a room in no time.

Take 5-HTP


The supplement 5-HTP is known for helping people feel better.ย  It reduces stress and anxiety and gives you an overall feeling of good well being.ย  It will also make you fart.ย  Alot!

Eat sugar-free gummi bears

Sugar free gummi bears are our #1 food for making you fart.ย  These tasty little candies will have you farting more than you can imagine.ย  Don’t believe us checkout the reviews on Amazon.ย  In addition to the gas these can also induce sharts so be careful!

Seriously after eating 2 handfuls you will easily be ripping 5-7 second farts. Ha ha!

Drink Topo Chico

topo chico fart

I love Topo Chico, it tastes great but it has tons of bubbles from the carbon dioxide that makes it sparkle and fizz.ย  All that gas has to go somewhere after you drink it.ย  So drink a bottle down quickly and do your best not to burp.ย  That gas will be coming out of your other end before you know it!

So there you have it.ย  Want to fart more than you thought possible?ย  Try some of the items on this list and fart away! And you have to admit…few things in life are more satisfying than ripping a good fart!


Eat beans,beans, and more beans


Beans are notorious for making you fart and for good reason.ย  They will make you fart.ย  If you want to take your farting to the next level soybeans aka edamame are the worst offender.ย  After than try navy beans and pinto beans.ย  These contain the high amounts of oligosaccharide which is a sugar that your body is unable to digest.

Let the pressure build


When you feel the urge to fart….don’t!ย  Fight the urge to fart and let the pressure build up over the next few hours before finally releasing the gas.ย  It’s the same reason that morning farts can sometimes be HUGE.ย  The fart has had time to marinate in your gut and gain strength!

Push fart out with some force

butt fart

Push out the fart with a bit of force.ย  Be careful with this one though because if you push too hard you might get more than you bargained for!ย  The tightness of the sphincter muscles is a major factor in the sound of the fart.ย  So practice farting with different levels of pressure and slightly clenching your butt cheeks.

Chew gum


When you chew gum you will inadvertently swallow air.ย  Many Some gum also has artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol which can also make you gassy.

Good luck on your journey to impress your friends, family and coworkers by farting louder, longer and smellier!ย  With practice and dedication who knows, you might just become the best farter ever!


Fart Sound Gallery

These are some of the loudest and longest farts you will ever hear! 100% real.

Dried Apricot Fart
Raunchy Fart
@ says:
@Rippy says:
Morning fart
@ says:
Multi-tone Fart
@ says:
Triple Fart
More Than a Fart
Dried Apricot and Bean Fart
Chewbacca Fart
Minute Long Fart
Good Fart
Bubbly Fart
43 Second Fart!
Violent Fart
@ says:
Butt Clapper
Wet and airy
Push It
Long Wet Fart
Good Rip
Long Fart
Massive Fart
30 Second Fart
Good One
Woman 15 Second Epic Fart
Explosion at the End!
That One Stank!
Mean Fart
@ says:
On Leather Chair
10 Second Fart
Solid Fart
Lawnmower fart
Just a Fart
Taco Bell Fart
Wet One
Fart on Chair
Longest Fart Ever!
Quad Fart
Airy at the End
Really Long Fart
Bean Fart
Super Long Fart
Satisfying Fart
Double Fart
Messy Fart
Hard Fart
twizzler sugar free fart

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Gravity Dong

Chewbacca fart had me cracking up. I accidentally came upon this page looking for 5htp fart remedy lol.


let er’ rip bois.


Lol how did I end up here?


Apricots make me scare myself with the noises coming out of my body.


Topo Chico makes me fart something fierce!


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