So you want to get your girlfriend to fart around you.ย Maybe it’s because she’s so prim and proper all the time and you just want her to loosen up.ย Or maybe you want her to be more comfortable around you or you figure that if she is comfortable farting in your presence then you are free to let fly!ย Hell, maybe you just like it and you want her to rip a loud one right in your face!ย Whatever the reason, it is a HUGE relationship milestone when your girlfriend is comfortable enough to fart in front of you.
I’ve been in this situation so I’m going to share with you the tips I used to get several of my past girlfriends comfortable enough to let them rip.
Be Patient
I can’t stress how important it is to be patient and not to rush things too much.ย If you’re not careful and start asking her to fart in your face or something like that you run the risk of your girlfriend thinking you are some kind of weird nut job.ย To get her to fart comfortably around you be prepared for this to take at least a couple of months.ย Rome was not built in a day, and this will take some time unless you are extremely lucky!
Important: For her to fart around you she is going to need to feel comfortable with you and your relationship.ย This can’t be rushed or accelerated.
Fart in Your Sleep
This strategy has been very effective with me with a few past girlfriends.ย Once you start sleeping with each other on a semi-regular basis start farting occasionally in your “sleep”.ย This may sound crazy but trust me it works.ย You will want to pretend you are asleep and rip a really loud fart.ย Don’t start laughing or react in any way just pretend to keep sleeping.ย If you are lucky it will be so loud that it will wake her up.
After a few nights of doing this she will probably say something like “you fart in your sleep”.ย Just say sorry oh well….I guess it’s just natural.
This will show her that you are comfortable with her.ย You might be surprised to find that the next time she is gassy she might just rip one in bed and laugh it off since you opened up the flood gates!ย This method definitely works.ย I had a girlfriend that would fart so loud that I could hear her from any room in the apartment.ย We would even have fart contests some mornings and most times she would win! It’s all thanks to this method.
Fart in Front of Her by “Accident”
When you are hanging out with your girlfriend force out a fart and play it off like it was an accident.ย For example if you are laughing really hard let one go or if you are watching a movie on the couch together.ย Just make sure not to seem like you are trying to force it out.ย Instead make it seem like it just slipped out.
Once she calls you out for farting just say ” Oops I’m sorry so it’s a god thing I’m so comfortable around you” or something like that.
If She Accidentally Farts Downplay It
If by chance your girlfriend accidentally farts in front of you you can bet she is going to be pretty embarrassed.ย So it is critical that you don’t make it worse by making her feel bad. There are a couple of strategy/tactics you can use.ย One approach is to say “Don’t worry about it.ย It’s just a natural bodily function”.ย Then don’t make a big deal out of it.
Another option is to say “Finally” and then fart as loud as you can!
Both of these will make her feel comfortable and know that you aren’t one of those guys that holds her to a double standard and make her feel bad for the occasional fart.
Ask Her to Fart
If you’ve tried all these tactics and you guys have been dating for some time and she still has not farted just ask her.ย Once I had been going out with my girlfriend for several months and she never farted in front of me.ย Then one night when we were in bed after a date I just decided to bring it up.ย I said hey we’ve been going out for several months and noticed that you have never passed gas.ย It’s ok and I want you to do it and then I laughed.ย Well fast forward to our next date and lo and behold after a few drinks out of no where she ripped a pretty loud fart!ย Success!
Only try this approach if you and her are very comfortable with each other.
If she is really cool about it and says she would do it if she is gassy ask her to eat some dried apricots.ย Then wait a few hours for the fireworks to begin!
Getting your girlfriend to openly and comfortably fart around you takes patience and a bit of work but is definitely achievable if that is what you want.ย Just follow these tips and good luck!
Do you have tips that have worked for you?ย Share them below in the comment section.

I think your girlfriend or your wife should be allowed to fart as loud as possible and as long as possible. I definitely think she’s the one who should do all the farting for a definitely loving relationship. As a token of her love for her partner I definitely think it’s the thing she should do.
I therefore don’t wish to receive any complaints about it. The man should love his partner even more because of her farting. Furthermore, from what I’ve seen on Google, a lady farting may be considered to be an important part of the relationship.