Is TikTok Normalizing Women Farting?


The topic of women farting is still considered taboo by much of society.  But if you spend time on the social app TikTok you’ll notice that this is changing.  If you l”like” a few posts of women farting before your know it in no time your feed will be inundated with clips of women posting videos of themselves farting with zero shame!  It’s great and free! Ha ha!

Some of these women that are ripping huge farts are incredibly beautiful and seem to really enjoy posting farting content!  Many of these do it without any embarrassment.  There are also countless posts of women burping loud and proud!

Farting is such a common occurrence on TikTok that many of the women will tag their video as #farttok.  When I open the app I usually have 5 to 7 farting videos on my “For You Page”.

If you read the comments for these video this behavior seems to be normalizing women farting ….at least with the TikTok audience which continues to grow in popularity and has about 1 billion monthly active users.

Who knows……maybe women farting will become as normal as well……farting!

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