The hands down winner of the food that will make you fart more than you thought humanly possible is the sunchoke.
Sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem artichokes, have gained a reputation as one of the gassiest foods due to the high amount of inulin they contain. Inulin is a type of soluble fiber that is not easily digested in the small intestine, and instead, reaches the large intestine where it is fermented by gut bacteria. The fermentation of inulin by gut bacteria produces gas, which can cause massive flatulence.
While inulin is beneficial for digestive health and can promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, it can also cause excessive gas production, particularly in people who are sensitive to its effects. This is because inulin is a prebiotic fiber that feeds the beneficial gut bacteria, but can also feed the gas-producing bacteria in the gut.
I ate 3 of these bad boys raw with a bit of olive oil and salt. A couple hours later I was farting nonstop. I’m talking earth shattering farts every couple minutes.
Want to fart more? Then try a few sunchokes. The good news is that sunchokes are also good for you! Sunchokes are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, and thiamine. These nutrients play important roles in maintaining overall health.
They can be a bit hard to find but you can find them at Whole Food Market. Buy Sunchokes
Could you try something for me? Once I ate a bag of Doritos which had ground beef with taco seasoning mixed in with the Doritos. I have no idea what it did to my stomach, but whatever it did, I was farting up a storm! It’s not a confirmed gassy food, though, so I was wondering if you could possibly try it and record the results in an article?
Pretty sure that will cause some major gas! Will give it a try.