Ever wish you could fart without stinking up your room or gassing out your significant other? Well your prayers might just be answered with this latest invention! We all fart but most people are still usually grossed out by them. If your farts are so bad that you are creating enemies and destroying lives these pills might be able to help.
Christian Poincheval a French entrepreneur has invented pills called Pilue Pet that supposedly make farts smell good (sorry to break the news but your farts stink!). He came up with the idea after having a meal that gave him extremely smelly farts.These pills come in various scents including roses, chocolate, violet, ginger, and may day lily. These pills are not FDA approved so proceed at your own risk but supplements aren’t tested. This gassy woman wrote about her experience with these pills on Buzzfeed.
The company’s website also says that pet owners can sprinkle this powder on their pets’ food to help with dog farts which can be absolutely horrible.
It would be interesting to put these pills to the test by taking them and then eating a bunch of dried apricots. If these pills work as claimed my house would smell like a flower shop!
Good luck!