Admit it. You like the smell of your farts and the reason you do is pretty straightforward. Since we as humans fart all the time, about half a liter a day, you get used to the smell. The bacteria population in your gut that creates the smell is unique to each person so that’s why when you smell someone else’s fart your brain detects it as something different and unpleasant. Your brain then takes it one step further and subconsciously thinks you are in danger because foul smells signals trouble to your brain.
Crazy fact: farts can spread pathogens linked to scarlet fever, tonsillitis and flesh eating diseases through small particles of fecal matter that gets dispersed in the air. Not a problem if you are wearing underwear but could have been a major issue for our naked ancestors. That’s most likely why you want to get out of doge when you smell a mysterious fart.
Based on our ultimate fart survey 60% of respondents like the smell of their own farts. Take the short survey to see how your farting habits compare to others. You might be surprised.
It’s good to remember however that everyone is different and some people aren’t bothered by others peoples farts. Research suggest that anxious and conservative people are more sensitive to stinky odors and have a more adverse reaction to farting than others.