Ask anyone that regularly attends a yoga class and they will tell you “yoga farts” are a common thing! Farting happens so often that they are an accepted part of any yoga class. Why do we fart in yoga? Well you can blame all the twisting and turning which puts pressure on your internal organs and causes the gas to seep out.
Certified yoga instructor Nanyc Elkes says “It’s an unspoken rule of yoga that when you fart, you shouldn’t do anything. It happens to everyone since you’re shifting around so much and things are moving, so it’s really not a big deal,” Elkes continues “I teach this class on Wednesday mornings, and it’s like the Fourth of July for women in that room—everyone’s exploding! But no one says anything. They don’t even acknowledge it. It’s pretty wonderful!”
Farts aren’t the only bodily noises that happen in these classes. They are also infamous for queefs which is when air leaks out of the vagina and makes a fart sound.
Here are some of the poses most likely to cause farting in yoga class.
Downward Facing Dog
Happy Baby Pose
Wind Relieving Pose
Yoga Fart Videos
Here are some videos of women farting while doing some yoga poses.
This yoga instructor farts during
She rips a loud fart while posing
Sportings fart is goooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like an excuse for me to get in shape!
Was in a yoga class and let out the loudest fart ever. I pretty much died of embarrassment. After the class I left and havent been back since!